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Managing Users

Learn how to add and manage users

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

Administrators can add, edit, and manage users in the Eden dashboard. To manage your users, go to Settings > Manage Users in your Eden dashboard. Eden can automate this process with our Directory Syncing and Single Sign-On (SSO) integrations. Contact your Customer Success Manager to learn more!

Add Individual User(s)

  1. Click “Add User” and complete the form. Please note:

    1. Users must be assigned to at least one address

    2. If you are using User Groups, you must create those groups before assigning them them to users

  2. Click “Create”

  3. Once the user profile is created, you can assign any Administrator Roles

Add Multiple New Users

  1. On the manage users page, select the menu on the right side and select “Upload Multiple New Users”

  2. Download the CSV template

  3. Upload the completed CSV template

    1. Confirm that the file doesn’t include any errant spaces or dashes, blank rows or columns

    2. Do not add new columns

  4. Select location. Please repeat steps 1-3 if you have multiple locations. For employees who belong to multiple locations, manual edit is needed as their profiles will not be updated after multiple uploads or you can automate this with our directory syncing integrations

  5. Check/Uncheck “Send a welcome email to join Eden.” Checking this box will automatically send a login link to your user(s)

  6. Click “Save”

Export Users

  1. On the manage users page, select the menu on the right side to export users. Your export will download as a CSV file and any filters applied to the page will be reflected in the export.

Update Multiple Existing User Profiles

  1. Go to Settings > Manage Users

  2. Select the menu on the right side to update multiple users

  3. Download the upload template

  4. Make any changes to your user profile(s) directly in the template and save your file. Eden is able to update the following fields: Name, Phone Number, Job Title, Wellness Survey Status, Reservation Eligibility Status

  5. Add the upload template to the import –– this must be a CSV file

Troubleshooting updating multiple, existing profiles:

  • Eden matches users in your CSV upload with user email addresses. If an email address does not exist or match, Eden will skip that row and no update will be made. If you’d like to upload multiple, new users, please follow the “Add Multiple Users” steps above.

  • If your account has a directory sync enabled, only the wellness survey status and reservation eligibility status can be updated using the CSV upload.

Deactivating Users

  1. On the manage users page, search for the user you would like to deactivate

  2. Click on the user

  3. Click the three dots on the top right of the side sheet

  4. Click “Deactivate"

Editing Users

  1. On the manage users page, search for the user you would like to edit

  2. Click on the user to edit details, locations, roles, team safety, ticketing and access control

  3. Click “Save”

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