Included with our Desk Booking product, the Desk Analytics feature enables administrators to better understand their office space and employee habits.
Admins are able to select or define a custom time period and view desk booking data by location, floor, neighborhood or user group. Exportable data enables administrators to run custom analyses to derive additional insights!
Available under Reservations > Desk Analytics (for Administrators)
Understanding the Metrics Dashboard
Top Level Metrics
For a defined time period & location:
Utilization: # of reservations booked / # of available desks
Reservations: # of desk reservations booked
Check-ins: # of desks checked in
Released Desks: # of desks that were released using the desk release feature
Manage desk release feature under Settings > Desk Booking
Trend Arrows & Percents: Compare current time period to previous time period
Tip: You can filter by location, time periods (preset or custom) as well as by feature tags & user groups (click Filters button to reveal options)
Note: If Enable Desk Release setting is toggled on (under Settings > Desk Booking), the # of reservations can exceed the number of available desks
Hotel Desk Utilization
Provides a representation of the number of desks reserved, checked in and automatically released compared to the total number available over a specified time period. Number of desks reserved counts reservations only and excludes canceled reservations.
Tip: If your chart is scaled very small โ toggle Show Total Desks Available button to off
Assigned Desk Utilization
Provides a representation of the number of desks reserved and checked in, compared to the total number of assigned desks for a specified time period and location.
Visible once a Location and Floor are selected, visualization allows the viewer to see the most (and least) reserved desks. Utilization for a particular desk is defined as an average based on the # of reservations/days in the specified filter.
Desk Utilization by User Groups
The visualization shows desk reservations by User Groups.
Tip: On the CSV export, you will see Unique Reservations which counts the number of individuals, within a user group, that made reservations over the specified time period.
Desk Utilization by Neighborhoods
Visualization shows desk reservations by Neighborhoods.
Tip: On the CSV export, you will see Unique Reservations which counts the number of individuals, within a neighborhood, that made reservations over the specified time period.