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Add Legal Documents

Learn how to upload legal documents, add them to the check in flow and adjust their settings

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Written by Support
Updated over a year ago

Eden supports multiple types of legal documents that your team can add and customize. For new accounts, a standard non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is included that you are welcome to use or replace entirely with a document of your own. For purposes of version control, it is not possible to edit legal documents. To modify legal documents, you must deactivate the old document and paste in a new text file. We use a text file instead of a PDF to ensure that the signature line lines up correctly on the sign-in kiosk.

Adding New Legal Documents

  1. Settings > Visitors & Team Safety > Legal Documents (the tab at the top next to “Device & Branding”)

  2. Click “ + Add Legal Document”

  3. Fill out the form

    1. Name: Name your legal document. This is only visible internally

    2. Agreement Type: Select the type of legal document

    3. Request new signature: Indicate how often you would like repeating visitors to resign the legal document

    4. User Title: Title a user can see when signing the document

    5. Body: Paste the content of your legal document into this field and adjust format as needed

  4. Click “Create”

  5. (Optional; Accelerate+ tiers only) To add a storage email, click the three dots next to the legal document. Click “File Storage Settings'' and add a storage email. Signed legal documents will be sent to this email as well as to the guest.

* Please note that a legal document’s content cannot be modified once it’s created. This provides your team with version control for previous visitors and their signed legal documents. Please deactivate the document and add the revised version.

Editing Document Setting

  1. Go to Settings > Visitors & Team Safety > Legal Documents

  2. To add a storage email, click the three dots next to the legal document. Click “File Storage Settings” and add a storage email. Signed legal documents will be sent to this email as well as to the guest.

  3. To disable storing documents, click the three dots next to the legal document. Click “File Storage Settings” and turn off the toggle.

  4. To deactivate the document, click “Deactivate”

Adding Legal Documents to Check in Flow

Once you have created your legal documents, you can add them to the check in flow in the configurations section.

  1. Go to Settings > Visitors & Team Safety > Configurations

  2. Select the Configuration you would like to add the legal documents to and then select the visitor type within that configuration.

  3. On the “Legal Documents” tab, enable “Display legal documents when visitors check in

  4. Click "Select Multiple" to select the legal document you would like visitors to sign

  5. Click “Save Changes”

To customize settings by location, create a new configuration and then apply to the relevant locations. You can duplicate and edit an existing configuration type in lieu of starting from scratch.

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